Changing Lives For Eternity

Endure International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing, sustaining, and supporting the persecuted church of Jesus Christ throughout the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and beyond.

Changing Lives For Eternity

Endure International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing, sustaining, and supporting the persecuted church of Jesus Christ throughout the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and beyond.

About Endure International

About Endure International

Aiding Local Churches Across Nations

The mission of Endure International is to empower local and underground churches across the globe to make disciples through gospel-centered resources, relief efforts, and financial support.

The love of God compels all believers to be his mouthpiece, hands and feet in sharing the good news of the gospel.


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Where We Serve

Effectively Sharing God’s Word Around the Globe

Through effective church planting, training, and the utilization of all current media platforms, we aim to teach the Word of God and to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Helpful Articles

The Great Commission in Light of the Missionary Motif of the Old Testament

The God-given purpose of the church can be considered in terms of its worship, its community, and its responsibilities towards its environment, both people and creation.

Confession of Faith in a Middle East Context

The discussion presented on this website on the significance of baptism to a follower of Jesus from a Middle Eastern background, leads me to broach another issue that is directly related. In many ways it stems from the discussion on baptism. This is about the public confession of faith.

Water Baptism in a Middle East Context

The church has had diverse and divergent views on the issue of baptism. What does it signify? What value does it have? When should it be administered, at infancy or later in life? Is the sprinkling of water or immersion the Biblical example? What happens if a child or an adult is never baptized?

The Great Commission in Light of the Missionary Motif of the Old Testament

The God-given purpose of the church can be considered in terms of its worship, its community, and its responsibilities towards its environment, both people and creation.

What Others Have to Say:

S-E is a young woman in her late 30s. She has asked for prayers as she comes from a non-Christian background and faces various forms of persecution. Christ has revealed Himself to her multiple times, and whenever she tries to put Him out of her mind, He reveals Himself to her again. She used to watch the program Kolelketab (TTB-Arabic), and eventually, she found the courage to call us. We had many conversations, and she asked for prayers as she planned to spend time alone fasting and praying, asking the Lord to reveal Himself and guide her in the right way. She feels very tense about this matter. Let us pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to her and guide her to take that step of faith and be reconciled to Him!

Messages of Kolelketab program  (TTB Arabic program)

My name is Byar. I am a true believer and have been saved by the blood of Jesus.

First of all, I want to extend to you and everyone who works with you the peace of Jesus Christ, which surpasses all understanding. I offer many thanks for the great work you are doing through the Kolelketab program. It is considered one of the greatest spiritual programs over the decades, as it explains the entire Bible—the Word of God—with complete truth. It is so beneficial, not only for true believers but also for those who are seeking.

Messages of Kolelketab program  (TTB Arabic program)