Endure International

Helpful Articles

The Importance of Christian Biblical Discipleship

When is it that Christian discipleship begins? One easy way to find the answer is to read the four Gospels. And so we can ask: When did the followers of Jesus become His disciples? And was He not discipling them when He lived His life before them?

Water Baptism in a Middle East Context

The church has had diverse and divergent views on the issue of baptism. What does it signify? What value does it have? When should it be administered, at infancy or later in life? Is the sprinkling of water or immersion the Biblical example? What happens if a child or an adult is never baptized?

Confession of Faith in a Middle East Context

The discussion presented on this website on the significance of baptism to a follower of Jesus from a Middle Eastern background, leads me to broach another issue that is directly related. In many ways it stems from the discussion on baptism. This is about the public confession of faith.

The Great Commission in Light of the Missionary Motif of the Old Testament

The God-given purpose of the church can be considered in terms of its worship, its community, and its responsibilities towards its environment, both people and creation.